Friday, April 19, 2013

LaFeve Preschool Time!

(The twins reading their bibles )

We had kind of gotten out of the preschool mode, but the last couple weeks really started doing it again! can be very challenging keeping 2 19 month old boys quiet for any amount of time...which is why we keep "preschool time" Very very energetic and fun. ha...No one will ever see me act as silly and crazy as I do during preschool time :) I want the kids to love that time and so you do what you have to do :) I also have been really pushing that it doesn't matter how smart we are, it only matters if we love the Lord with all our hearts, and I pray that becomes the desires of their hearts!  Bible time is the beginning of preschool- we do alot of our Sunday school songs, prayer,  a bible story (right now during this time we use a "baby bible" which has only a couple lines and encourages the kids to participate, we did Joshua and the battle of Jerico so we got up and marched in a circle, its great for the boys, then later in the day Jude Hailey and I are reading from the gospel storybook bible) then into the ABC's counting and a paper or craft, then I try to have alone time with Jude and work on phonics & memory verses and then alone time with Hailey and work on her letters and sounds, writing and memory verses- when i have alone time I get the boys and whichever kid to play with playdough or paint or dance to "ballet for little kids". I enjoy it so much, and even more because the kids enjoy it! Since all the kids are so close in age its fun to see them all working together, but also they are in such different stages! They all are such different types of learners which makes so thankful I am going to homeschool so I can teach them all differently. This past week we were talking about clouds, raining and rainbows- it was alot of fun and we did our first "real science experiment" :)

When you dip a cotton ball in water and squeeze, it rains! (Judes hypothesis was that the cloud would turn into a rainbow, and haileys was that it would turn into milk...they were pretty upset they were wrong haha.) 
The kids singing "read your bible pray everyday" (we usually do preschool in our pj's too :) )

Matching the numbers to make a picture

taking pictures during a prayer is very distracting and makes the babies not hold their hands together and eyes closed...which is so cute...and Jude told me that it wasn't very respectful to God :)

This was the "b-i-b-l-e"Jude yelled out bible before we were actually ready so everyone was looking at him :)
making clouds and raindrops :)

the boys kept saying "marshmallow?" and trying to eat the cotton balls...

some of the papers we did this week- sorting small medium and large rain clouds and helping the rain cloud get to the rainbow 

It was a very appropriate week for talking about rain...I'm hoping that we can get outside more next week and talk about flowers/or anything outside! :) 
I'm so thankful for these little people!  

Monday, April 1, 2013


 We had a wonderful Easter- the weather was Amazing, so we spent the whole day outside!
Jude is growing up so fast, he is a very excited little boy- and it was so cute hearing him say "He is rised- which means He's ALIVE...right mom?" (for some reason he couldn't remember "risen, and kept saying "rised" haha) The kids at church all sang "Alive Alive" I love watching Jude sing!! He's a talented little guy! 

My beautiful Hailey Ann looked so grown up in her Easter outfit! She Loved finding easter eggs and spending time outside all day! 

I still can't believe I have twins sometimes...they are such blessings!!!!

This was a couple days before Easter...snow in the background..we were all very thankful for the beautiful weather yesterday!

 Liam was being a stinker and spitting as I took this picture...haha.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Robs Valentine Gift From Jude and Hailey

For Robs Valentine gift from the kids I asked them a couple questions about Daddy and printed it on a picture of them and daddy :) They loved answering the questions and then printing it out! 

"All About Dad
Jude Age 4

My dads name is Rob....I mean Dad
He is 20 feet tall
He weighs 32 pounds
He is 28 years old
His hair is blackish brownish
His eyes are blue
His favorite food is broccoli
He likes to wrestle with me

I love daddy because I love him so much and he loves me."

"All About Daddy
Hailey Age 3

My Dads name is Wob
He is big as a big lion
He weighs 6 pounds
He is 11 years old
His hair is brownie
His eyes are blueberry
His favorite food is salad
He likes to eat cereal with me

I love daddy because he is handsome."

I loved their excitement as I asked the questions, and I loved the answers....they make Rob seem very healthy....favorite food broccoli and salad haha :) I think this is going to become a tradition and see how the answers change as they get older :) They are very blessed to have such a wonderful daddy! And I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! I've got a dozen beautiful roses on the table from that wonderful guy...and "sleep in on saturday" coupons coming :) He knows the way to my heart...roses and sleep!   

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Eve!

Some Pictures from our New Years Eve Party :)

I'm excited for 2013!!!